Russ Schleipman, a Vermonter, has traveled globally for corporate, advertising and editorial clients. The work on this site reflects the many opportunities he has had to apply his vision to a client's mission. He pays rigorous attention to design and composition, and strives to reveal the unusual in the usual. He enjoys the challenge of finding a visual surprise and knows that it's always there if you look hard enough.

He feels privileged to have been asked to shoot the New York Stock Exchange, lifestyle for Timberland, the French Government Tourist Board, the Borneo rain forest for Earthwatch, the deep Sahara, the Concorde, Tien an men Square, the Vatican, MT Saint Michel, Scotland Yard, the streets of Havana, Patagonia, the flight deck of the USS America, many sites for RTX Corp, steel mills, oil refineries, and flowers for Vera Wang.

CBS Sunday morning did a story on Russ's shoot at Mt St Michel for the French Government Tourist Board.  His work has been chosen for the Communication Arts Photography Annual over a dozen times. He was very recently honored for excellence in photography by the Rockport Art Association.